Merry Christmas
Hello to anyone reading this.
This is the first and I am going to try and send out messages regularly next year. First I would like to wish everyone a warm and Merry Christmas. The shop closed at 1pm on 24 December for the Christmas break and will reopen at 9am on the 10th January.
The move to Abbey Road has gone so much better than I could possibly hoped for made possible by the wonderful support of the amazing crafters the shop is attracting. Classes, workshops and clubs will be restarting just as soon as upstairs has heating. This has been the only bug in the new shop. The upstairs area could be described as a fridge at times. Although we installed wool insolation and thermal boards it still gets very cold up there.
One of the things I am going to be offering on days when the classroom is not in use a drop keep warm space. It has to be remembered that the room is my stockroom and there is a lot of stock up there rather precariously balanced!
I am not going to waffle on but to wish you all peace, health and happiness for Christmas and the coming year.